Competences & Legal Services

Compliance Crises

The pub­lic pro­sec­utor is at the front door with 50 po­lice men and a search war­rant. A tele­vi­sion crew is shoot­ing out­side the cor­por­ate headquar­ters. The com­mu­nic­a­tion de­part­ment of your com­pany is con­stantly bom­barded with new ques­tions by the me­dia.

In the event of com­pli­an­ce cri­ses, the com­pa­ny is faced with se­rious da­ma­ge, not on­ly through in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons by the pu­blic pro­se­cu­tor’s of­fice, Ba­Fin (Fe­deral Fi­nan­ci­al Su­per­vi­so­ry Aut­ho­ri­ty) or SEC, but al­so through Me­dia Re­ports.

We are fa­mi­li­ar with the­se si­tua­ti­ons and ha­ve be­en ad­vi­sing our cli­ents in lar­ge com­pli­an­ce cri­ses sin­ce mo­re than 35 years. Our prac­tical ex­pe­ri­en­ce helps us to ad­vi­se our cli­ents ide­al­ly in the­se si­tua­ti­ons and re­act ac­cor­din­gly.

In such si­tua­ti­ons – de­pen­ding on each ca­se – clo­se co-ope­ra­ti­on bet­ween the le­gal de­part­ment, com­pli­an­ce, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, au­dit­ing and the exe­cu­ti­ve board may be ne­cessa­ry.

The com­pa­ny needs a stra­te­gy to sol­ve the pro­blems that in­clu­des le­gal and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is­su­es. We know the im­port­an­ce of such a stra­te­gy and are ab­le to ef­fec­tively im­ple­ment such with our cli­ents de­ci­si­on ma­kers.

JUVE Handbook

„Siemens recently relied on the expertise of Matthias Prinz.“

Prinz Lawyers


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