Law Office

We protect your rights

We pro­tect rights and repu­ta­tion of our cli­ents for more than 35 years.

We ad­vise in the back­ground to avoid im­pend­ing me­dia crises and pre­vent them. But we also lit­ig­ate. Our ad­vice is based on more than 10,000 suc­cess­ful na­tion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al tri­als and count­less fun­da­ment­al law­suits up to the Fed­er­al Su­preme Court, the Fed­er­al Con­sti­tu­tion­al Court and the European Court of Hu­man Rights.

Ad­vising cor­por­ate cli­ents is our key fo­cus. Cli­ents of our firm are more than a third of all Dax-com­pan­ies, nu­mer­ous me­di­um-sized en­ter­prises, as­so­ci­ations nterest groups and NGOs from every area of the eco­nomy and so­cial field. The me­dia of­ten deal with com­plex mat­ter of cor­por­ate struc­ture, ac­count­ing, product qual­ity, bal­ance sheets or the treat­ment of em­ploy­ees. Pro­found leg­al know­ledge and prac­tic­al ex­per­i­ence are re­quired to un­der­stand and deal with these com­plex is­sues. Since we work in this field of law for more than 35 years we are able to of­fer both to our cli­ents.

Ad­vising in­di­vidu­al cli­ents is an­oth­er key fo­cus of our law firm. Our mis­sion is that per­son­al life stays private and our cli­ents repu­ta­tion is safe­guarded to the pub­lic.

We protect your rights

Prinz Lawyers


For general inquiries:

All contact information and a contact form can be found on our contact page: Contact Page