Advice from specialists

Art Law

Our la­wy­ers ha­ve a spe­cial un­der­stan­ding of the in­te­rests of ar­tists, cul­tu­ral in­sti­tu­ti­ons, collec­tors, auc­tion hou­ses and publis­hers.

Our ran­ge of ser­vices begins with the co­py­right pro­tec­tion of art works, its scope and du­ra­ti­on. We al­so ad­vi­se on purchase and lo­an agree­ments, trans­port, los­ses and da­ma­ges. We al­so deal with for­ge­ries, ques­ti­ons of pro­venan­ce re­se­arch and re­sti­tu­ti­on ca­ses. We draft and ne­go­tia­te con­tracts and re­p­re­sent in and out of court. We ad­vi­se pri­va­te, com­mer­ci­al and pu­blic cli­ents.

In art law, the ha­b­its of the art mar­ket must be con­side­red. The­se cu­st­oms of­ten be­co­me part of con­­­tracts and are ta­ken in­to ac­count in the le­gal as­sess­­ment of art law is­su­es. Know­­­ledge of the mar­ket is the­re­­fo­re a pre­­re­qui­si­te for suc­cess­ful ad­vice and re­­­pre­­­sen­­ta­ti­on in this field.

Consulting Services

  • Fine arts and art trade
  • Advising galleries, asso­ciations, auction houses, museums, collec­tors and artists
  • Advising in the field of cultural heritage pro­tection
  • Consulting in the area of re­stitution (looted art)

Prinz Lawyers


For general inquiries:

All contact information and a contact form can be found on our contact page: Contact Page